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Is there any link between political or religious belonging and the opinion about Solidere?

1 comment:

  1. well yes and no... since solidere is owned (largest shareholders) by the Harriri family, and the Harriri family are the founders of a political party (future movement, constituted mainly of the Sunni sect)... then that brings, by default, criticism and animosity from the opposing political parties (Hezb Allah [shiite], Amal Movement [shiite], Free Patriotic Party [half the maronites]...etc...) and their respective religious backing... BUT, their disagreement or hate with solidere has nothing (most of the time) to do with what most activist against solidere talk about... to them its not about loosing heritage or the fakeness of the architecture or the privatization of the public space, it is simply a matter of fact that this is a harriri project and politicaly they are against harriri...

    anyways, im not sure that was very clear, because politics in Lebanon function like 5 bullies in a playground sandbox, which is hard to explain in a few words.... they just hate whatever the other does, good or bad...

    Ziad BA
    the above is just an informed opinion.


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