I am a grafic design student from Berlin, involved in an university exchange project between berlin and beirut, named 1001 questions.
i am doing my term project on the reconstruction of downtown. Beside the architectual dimension, i want to do more research on the social aspects of the rapid urban changing during the reconstruction period an it's results, which show up now. The process of urban transformation looks similar in many cities all over the world. When i visited Lebanon I noticed, there is a disparity of quality in the dimension of the change of downtown - even if there is the same logic behind.
With this blog, i want to collect statements and answers, which may help me to understand about the past, presence and future of Beirut downtown. After all i want to publish a small booklet where i can also find interrelations between the developments of Beirut and the European way of urban transformation.
You are invited to post answers by the comment function. I know there are a lot of questions under each topic: It would be great if you answer to some of them. I would be glad if you leave something that describes your reason of interest behind the comment, like your profession or a general notation of why you are interested in this subject. Thank you a lot for your help and your interest.
from berlin with love...
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I would be glad if you leave something like your profession or a general notation of your interest in this subject behind the comment...